Monday 14 December 2009

Creation of VT DVD and the final edit for the Show.

When all the clips had been made, it I took the job of creating the VT insert DVD for the show, that we would be using. So what i had to do was compile all the Inserts onto one track, then using the programme Final Cut Pro i edited them down to make sure they ran in order and so that the sound is to loud, nor the picture to bad quailiy. However the first time round failed slightly becasue the black title sequnces before the actual clip, were in the wrong order, thus throwing the chapter squence made on DVD Pro useless. So within a time scale of 2 hours, I had to re do these black sequences, then re do the chapters on Final Cut Pro and DVD Pro.

What was invloved was re typing the titles, making sure they are in the right order, aswell as making a couple of clips a bit longer , as some of them were only reaching 2 seconds in length. After editing these, I then had to place markers, in which DVD Pro would read ,and place the chapters accordingly. However this did nto go to plan, and so i had to manually place markers again in DVD Pro on the track. After doing that i then had to pull up the chapter scren, and procced to connnect each marker with a chapter 'button' then titling them appropriatly. In doing this, when using the dvd player and remote, the correct clip would show corisponding with the correct button.

Then this was used in the actual production, and after some small difficulties in understanding how things were played out, it worked well.

The next day I then began editing the actual feed we had recording, making sure the sound levels were working at the correct levels, and making sure the picture quailty was good. In terms of quality the clip was really well, apart from a few hic ups, liek the showing of a VT's title, or the delayed time before it was shown. I worked on these first, but soon realised that I could not just fit the whole clip, as that would clash with what the host and talent were saying, thus it wouldnt make any sense at all. So some of the mistakes were left in, but edited so it was clean, and looked as professional as I could make it.

After sorting out those kinks, the next thing on the agenda was the sound levels, the actual show was recorded at an abismal low level, something the sound operators must not have picked up on. Because of this, the speaking and VT inserts maxed out at a measily -24dB. To rectify this i had to boost the entire thing on average by 12dB. But it wasn't as simple as that because afterwards I had to attend to the fact that the Host's voice throughout the show was unpredictable, and would become ridicoulsly quiet at one point, then screaming loud at the next. So using the sound editing on Final Cut Pro, i managed to fade his voice and the others at the right times, looking at the sound levels, it looks like a crazy roller-coaster, full up massive dips and high rises, all to compensate for the unpredictablity of the peoples voices. However in the second half, everyone seemed to calm down and the sound levels didn't have to go through such a workout.

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