Monday 7 December 2009

First Group Meeting

We had our first meeting, I am with Jasmine, Ryan and George. We were then told that each group was to be in charge of their own individual round, and that the show would have 5, 2 first, then a break followed by the final 3. We were read out several roles which one person would be in charge of per group, they were;

-Technical Producer
-Artistic Director
-Post Production Producer
-Content Producer

The Technical Producer was given to Ryan, as he is good with cameras and such. The role of the TP is to listen to what everyone else is doing, then taking it to Peter, and seeing if it can actually be physically done on set. So if the art director had an idea of having a TV placed inside a board and then plays the VT insterts, behind the host. Ryan is the one who sees if it can be done, and if not trys to find ways in which it could.

Artistic Director was given to Jasmine, since she showed us all her previous art work from GCSE, and it was much better then what we could do! Her role is to work with the other Art Directors in creating the set, and also creating it. We were obviously to help the group of Art Directors, in the makign of the set as this was a class thing.

Post Production Producer was given to myself, as I was good in using Final Cut Pro* among other programs on the iMacs. The job of the PPP is usually to add in the final edits to a show, but as this will be filmed 'As Live' we are in charge of creatign Title Sequnces, importing the Audio tracks, and any Video tracks used for VT Insert material. After mangaing all of these things for my round, I would combine it with the other PPP's stuff to make a compelte order of inserts.

Content Producer was given to George, who at the time wasn't around, but we knew he wanted to be director for the show, so this was his stepping stone. The role of the CP is to watch over the rest of the group to see if all is running smoothly for the round, aswell as create the questions and write them up.

We then had to come up with ideas about the round sthat could be used in our Quiz Show. In the end they became (in order)


We were hoping to get the Quickfire round, however we were out voted and became in charge of the internet round. So our questions were to invlove maybe famous clips from the net, and facts about it. So we went over to the library and began searching the net and found several clips fomr youtube, they formed 4 of our questions to our round. The questions were;

Q1: What theme song are these boys singing?
(VT of muted boys singing)
A: Pokemon Theme
(VT of boys singing chorus)

Q2: Who is this man complaining about?
(VT of Chris Crocker without persons name)
A: Britney Spears
(VT of Chris Crocker saying her name)

Q3: What happens next?
(VT of man in bat suit scaring someone)
A: Falls over
(VT of man falling over)

Q4: What happens nect?
(VT of drunk woman getting onto bench to dance)
A: Falls off
(VT of woman falling off)

These are the questions we made for the VT inserts for our round.

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